The company
The company was formally founded in 2009 by Pia Ohlsson.
Communiqueations (across borders) works with the aim and focus of providing bridges between peoples. In doing so we hope to promote a better understanding between different cultures and ways by increasing the knowledge of ‘the others’. Misunderstandings, skewed media reports and lack of knowledge often lead to a black-and-white image of those things not known to us. By language classes, cross-cultural seminars & workshops, as well as direct consultations, our passion is to lessen that gap and provide the bridges needed.

The founder
Pia Ohlsson, founder of the company, has worked, travelled and lived abroad for over 20 years. The focus of her work has mainly been to provide support; linguistic, cultural, technical, design and other to both companies and organizations. Courses, seminars, lectures, reports and other forms of written communication are part of the services provided. Her educational background includes a masters’ degree in Arabic & Communication from Lund University, Sweden and from AUC, the American University in Cairo, Egypt. Additionally she has advanced Swedish language studies from Gothenburg University in Sociolinguistics & Applied Linguistics.
Communiqueations is mainly run by Pia but with a network of associates from around the world connected by the same philosophy and values.
Our philosophy
We believe in a fair and equal world where everybody has the same rights, obligations and possibilities.
Communiqueations across borders opens up bridges between peoples
In a sustainable world, we need to embrace our humanity and work on creating a better understanding between each other. We need to look at what connects us, not what separates us as humans. Our philosophy is that the more we learn about each other the better we can tolerate and understand one another.
Curiosity (for learning), openness (to receive it) and passion (for passing it on) build the bridges needed. This brings sustainability to our planet and all of us who occupy this space together.
If you want to learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us – let’s work together! Under each service you can view some of the projects I/we have been involved in. At LinkedIn you may also find recommendations and testimonials to some of the work carried out.